Sunday, May 1, 2011

Actress Kavita Radheshyam goes topless

Actress Kavita Radheshyam goes topless

Kavita Radheshyam, an upcoming actress, is on an agenda of putting an end to the cruelty towards animals.
To ensure that her effort doesn’t go unnoticed, Kavita has posed nude during a photoshoot and she plans to make the pictures public soon. Talking about the same, she said, “This is my protest in my own way to show my anger towards the cruelty on animals that takes place in India.”

Explaining the idea behind this photoshoot, Kavita said, “For animals, their clothes are their skin. When we are killing animals for their skin we are actually stripping them naked and that too for our convenience. I felt that it’s high time that we too do something to save them from this cruelty and so I planned this photoshoot.”
Though Kavita is not associated to any animal welfare organization, she has filed an application with PETA appealing them to support her in her fight.
Kavita lashed out at the uncaring manner in which animal welfare is treated in India. “I see so many banners and hoardings talking about Saving Tigers. I want to ask how much money is spent for all this? Wouldn’t it be better to invest the same money in actually saving these animals?”
Well, Kavita did raise some interesting questions. However, only time will tell if her nude photoshoot helps saving the animals.

1 comment:

  1. very nice cause u r very daring that u do this without thnkng anythng 2 save animals n m v proud of u.
